本文字档尚在编撰中,内容随时可能变更,可能与任何发布版本的 Apache™ Subversion® 软件不符。将此页面添加为书签或以其他方式推荐给其他人可能不是一个明智的做法。请访问 https://svnbook.subversion.org.cn/ 获取本书的稳定版本。
svn propedit (pedit, pe) — 编辑版本控制下的一项或多项项目的属性。请参阅本章后面的 svn propset (pset, ps)。
svn propedit PROPNAME TARGET...
svn propedit PROPNAME --revprop -r REV [TARGET]
svn propedit 使修改具有多个值的属性变得容易
$ svn propedit svn:keywords foo.c # svn will open in your favorite text editor a temporary file # containing the current contents of the svn:keywords property. You # can add multiple values to a property easily here by entering one # value per line. When you save the temporary file and exit, # Subversion will re-read the temporary file and use its updated # contents as the new value of the property. Set new value for property 'svn:keywords' on 'foo.c' $